Coordination Committee Terms of Reference


The following outlines the proposed establishment of the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee (the Committee). It is proposed that the Committee be representative of all police jurisdictions, the Police Federation of Australia and Police Legacy and provide the final decision on the inclusion of names on the Memorial.

1. Definitions

Committee:  Means the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee
Membership:  Each jurisdiction, Police Federation of Australia and Police Legacy
Memorial:  National Police Memorial located in Kings Park, Canberra which includes the names of Police Officers of all Australian Police jurisdictions (including former police organisations) who have been killed on duty or have  died as a result of their duties on Australian soil or overseas
Secretariat:  The AFP Recognition and Ceremonial Team will provide the secretariat functions to the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee.

2. Role of the Committee

The Committee is an independent decision making body recommended by Commissioners and endorsed by the Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management – Police (MCPEMP).  The role of the Committee is to:

  • consider all nominations from jurisdictions relating to police officers killed on duty or who have died as a result of their duties for inclusion on the National Police Memorial;
  • be responsible for making the determination of names to be placed on the touchstones and provide advice back to the relevant jurisdictions;
  • annually provide a list of names to the National Capital Authority for the production of touchstones to be added to the Memorial wall;
  • ensure consistency, accountability and transparency in the process;
  • determine, based upon advice from jurisdictions, any removal, withholding or reinstatement of names on the Memorial;
  • ensure that decisions in relation to the inclusion or non-inclusion of names on the Memorial, are clearly articulated, recorded and retained by the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee Secretariat;
  • provide the principal point of contact for the National Capital Authority with regard to any issues surrounding the Memorial;
  • develop a list of suitable activities to be conducted at the Memorial in consultation with the National Capital Authority and jurisdictions; and
  • determine what ceremonial activities will be conducted at the Memorial (including making out-of-session recommendations) and provide advice to the National Capital Authority and jurisdictions.

3. Frequency of Meetings

It is envisaged that the Committee will normally meet annually at a time that allows determination, production and inclusion of touchstones on the Memorial prior to that year’s National Police Remembrance Day.

The Committee will meet in July to consider nominations, make decisions and advise the National Capital Authority.

4. Membership

It is anticipated that membership of the Committee will consist of a delegate from:

  • each Australian Police jurisdiction;
  • the Australian Federal Police
  • the Police Federation of Australia; and
  • Police Legacy.

The Committee may, from time to time, seek the advice of other individuals and groups on a needs basis.

5. Secretariat

The AFP Recognition and Ceremonial Team will provide the secretariat for the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee.

At the conclusion of the decision making process, the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee Secretariat will:

  • provide full names, and other pertinent details for inclusion on the National Police Memorial website;
  • liaise with the National Capital Authority regarding the engraving of the touchstones; and,
  • coordinate, with the relevant jurisdictions, the unveiling of touchstones at an appropriate ceremony prior to that year’s National Police Remembrance Day.

In relation to activities to be conducted at the Memorial, the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee Secretariat will:

  • provide the contact and coordination point for Memorial use submissions;
  • consult the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee; and
  • liaise with the National Capital regarding appropriate activities.

6. Nomination Process

Nominations for inclusion on the Memorial from jurisdictions are required by 1 July each year and will be forwarded to the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee Secretariat, on the prescribed nomination form.

The National Police Memorial Coordination Committee will evaluate and adjudicate as to the suitability of the nomination at its annual meeting.

The checks and nominal research conducted by the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee Secretariat prior to submission to the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee for consideration will only extend to ensuring that there is sufficient information for a decision to be made by the Committee.

Each nomination will be recorded and held on file by the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee Secretariat, and will include all deliberations and decisions regarding that nomination.

Nominations that have been cleared by the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee Secretariat will be distributed to the Committee members prior to the Committee meeting so that members can appraise themselves of the details of the nomination/s.

The National Police Memorial Nomination Check list outlines the process for the adjudication of nominations, and the consideration and recommendation by the Committee.

Historical Deaths

In the case of historical deaths, the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee has formally endorsed the established practice that a colonial police officer will be recorded under the state jurisdiction that the officer worked in at the time of his death.

7. Insufficient information or evidence

It remains the responsibility of the nominating jurisdiction to provide adequate information/evidence and appropriate corroborating material to allow the Committee to appropriately consider and recommend recognition.

8. Consideration and Decision-making Process

In considering nominations, the Committee is to establish, from the information/evidence provided by the nominating jurisdiction, whether the nomination fits the agreed criteria for inclusion on the Memorial.

If insufficient evidence is presented, which does not allow the Committee to properly consider the nomination, then the Committee may recommend that the nomination be returned to the nominating jurisdiction for further information/evidence to be supplied.

9. Decisions of the Committee

The decisions of the Committee with respect to nominations will be recorded in Minutes by the Secretariat.    The Committee will:

  • make decisions as to the inclusion of names on the Memorial;
  • ensure all decisions will be recorded and held on file by the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee Secretariat and will include all deliberations and decisions regarding that nomination;
  • where a decision has been made to reject a nomination, provide in writing the reasons for that rejection to the relevant jurisdiction;
  • make recommendations to the National Capital Authority as to the appropriate use of the Memorial;
  • return the nomination to the nominating jurisdiction on grounds of insufficient or inconclusive evidence or information;
  • make decisions regarding the removal of touchstones from the Memorial; and
  • where appropriate, endorse the re-instatement of touchstones on the Memorial.

10. Resubmission of Nominations

Should a nominating jurisdiction feel aggrieved by a decision of the National Police Memorial Coordination Committee, they will be given the opportunity to submit further information in support of their nomination, out-of-session if appropriate.