Cadet Mounted Constable







On 14 September 1853 the bushrangers Henry Bradley and Patrick O’Connor commandeered a vessel in Van Dieman’s Land and forced the Captain to take them to Victoria. On landing they went on a rampage of robbery and murder. The police were soon in hot pursuit and at dusk on the evening of Monday 26 September 1853 they finally cornered the men at Mr. Kane’s Station near Kilmore. After a short gun battle during which Cadet Thompson was shot through the lung the offenders escaped on horse back. The troopers were unable to follow as their horses had broken away and it was some time before the pursuit could be re-commenced. The alarm was then raised at the Kilmore Police Station and a search of the area was undertaken. Shortly after midnight the bushrangers were located. After a desperate struggle during which a number of shots were fired they were arrested. Tried at Melbourne on a charge of attempting to murder Cadet Thompson they were soon convicted and sentenced to death. They were publicly executed at Melbourne at 8am 24 October 1853. Cadet Thompson never recovered from his wound and his condition steadily deteriorated. He died 4 December 1856 after a long and painful illness.

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National Police Memorial Australia

  • The National Police Memorial is located in Kings Park on the northern shore of Lake Burley Griffin adjacent to Queen Elizabeth II Island and the National Carrillion. View in Google maps