First Constable

James Norman BREWIS






First Constable Brewis’ widow stated that he left the Police Station at about 16.20hrs in the company of Mr Andrew Keith Caldow in Caldow’s motor vehicle to go and look for the suspect. First Constable Brewis also informed her that he would be returning around 18.00hrs. Mrs Brewis also stated that her husband had never gone in Mr Caldow’s car before, but on this occasion Caldow just happened to be in the residence when First Constable Brewis stated he was going out to try and locate a suspect, and Mr Caldow offered to take him where he wished to go. A witness, Mr John Lewis, licensee of the Elephant Bridge Hotel, Darlington said Brewis had come to his hotel around 17.30hrs and spoke to him in the hotel yard for approximately 10 to 15 minutes about a possible sighting of the suspect. During this time, Lewis indicated that Mr Caldow remained in his vehicle. After returning to the vehicle, the pair headed off towards Lismore. At approximately 18.20hrs, on the Darlington – Derrinallum Road about three miles west of Derrinallum, the vehicle ran off the road and rolled a number of times. As a result, First Constable James Norman Bewis (7154) died instantly from the injuries he sustained. Mr Caldow died the next day as a result of his injuries. First Constable Brewis was given a Police funeral and buried at Lismore Cemetery on 30th November 1954.

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National Police Memorial Australia

  • The National Police Memorial is located in Kings Park on the northern shore of Lake Burley Griffin adjacent to Queen Elizabeth II Island and the National Carrillion. View in Google maps